The Best Greenhouse for Your Plants
Have you ever seen a greenhouse on television or at a nursery and yearned for one but thought it wasn't within your reach? Well,...
Scotts Green Max Lawn Food: Is It Worth the Money?
Sometimes, you just have to green up your lawn. And you have to do it fast. Luckily, there are several products on the market...
The Best Gardening Gloves for Every Home Gardener
If you're like me, you hate the idea of using gloves when you garden — whether they're the best gardening gloves or not. But...
Miracle Gro Fertilizer for Your Healthy Vertical Garden
Fertilizing is an important part of maintaining a happy garden. But is Miracle-Gro Fertilizer really the best? Your Vertical Garden finds out!
How to Pick the Best T5 Fixture : Enhancing Indoor Plants
You've tried growing indoor plants but have experienced limited success. No matter where you live, it is nearly impossible to achieve perfect growing conditions...